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The 20 year piggy bank build

  Back when I lived in SoCal, and years before my father died, I had the idea of building a piggy bank, using a section of aluminum tubing as the body and bolting the ends on like some hydraulic cylinders. are built. 

  Not long after mentioning this build idea, Dad produced a piece of tubing.  I don't remember where or how and that is a bigger mystery given that he was a stroke victim by this time and couldn't have jumped in the car and gone picked it up.

  Dad passed over 15 years ago, and I left California more years ago than that.  With the building of the CNC machine, I finally had a path to building the vision of this bank.  I had kept the tube with me through all my moves.  This is how I went about it.  Enjoy.  ~P

Two part video series....

Part 1

Part 2

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