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CNC Plasma Cutter Build

  Things are moving along and the design has continued to refine.  I have a couple of videos out now on the subject.  You can find those on my YouTube channel


  For those of you looking for ideas to help solidify your own design, waiting for me to finish the machine or put out videos is not very timely.  What you want is a link to the drawings.  So here is the Fusion360 drawing link.  I will have a video out shortly going over the different aspects of the design.


  This drawing is still being refined and small things added, but the major components are now solid enough to share.  I have cut the Y plates and motor mounts our of aluminum, so I am committed.


  If you have questions or comments, you can use this contact info on this site, or I would encourage you to make comments on the videos so everyone can benefit.  P


Fusion 360 Drawings

This link will take you to the Fusion 360 web based share.  Here you can download a copy of the current drawings to explore and edit for your own purposes.

Amazon Component List

My preferred source for build components is Amazon.  This is a list of the items I have our would have purchased (if needed) for this build.

ebay Collection

Some things, like the THC, are best sourced on ebay.  This is a collection of items that I have our would have sourced from ebay.

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