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Absent but not gone.....

I think the last update was 13 months ago.  No idea when I last published a video.  So what have I been doing?  Trying to survive.  The media calls it the 'new normal.'  My new normal exceeds that of the imposed health crisis and is a hurdle of twice the height (IMO).

I'm working on building a new desk for use here at home.  The one I made a while back was so big and so nice, I took it to the office. When that is done I will relocate my editing station to be more accessible and hope to get back to videos. I have several already recorded and a ton more I'd like to do.

I'm also still working on the Elco....and the other Elco.....and the 67.  Some has video, and some doesn't.

I look forward to getting back to content but no promise when.  I suggest you find me on Instagram to keep up to date.

Cheers ~P

Latest on Instagram : Follow sbirdranch

Influencer's Page

This is where I put links to some of the items I thing others of my same interests might like as well as some of the tools and parts I use in my projects.

Start all your amazon shopping here and throw me a bone.  It doesn't cost you anything, and Amazon sends me a little love.  ~P

Small Title

Pleasant Title

A new video series is starting called the....




Because a quickie is sometimes all you need. ;)

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